We need more units to fight France, they seem to have a limitless number of army stacks, capturing swathes of Europe and also sending stacks to help Spain defend themselves against my best 4 British army stacks. We also need more trade ships, I was capturing many of my enemies trade ships and using them for my own good, but it was still a struggle. I also think the SP campaign needs to lose the coastal defences, which become a nightmare if you push them out of the port, they become invincible units outside the port. And as I had planned to do a campaign series of videos featuring just the battles, I had to can the idea, it simply isn't feasible because it looks awful. SP campaign and in particular SP battles will never be a satisfying experience until you do something about the battle lag, whether it's something to do with cavalry getting hung up on infantry units or the AI controlling the General unit, something is causing a horrific slowdown of the battle. I've always loved this mod, it's the most stunning of all the mods for NTW, but.